The Government of Alberta has announced a Working Parent Benefit as a one time payment of $561 per child to support working parents who pay for child care.
You may be eligible if:
• you’re the parent or guardian of a child born on or after February 29, 2008;
• you were required to pay for child care to work or attend school;
• your household income is $100,000 or less in 2020;
• you have paid $561 or more for 3 months of childcare between April 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 (receipts will be required); and
• you’re a Canadian citizen or permanent resident living in Alberta.
Depending on where in Alberta you reside, applications will open between March 1st and March 5th and only remain open until March 31st. Use your personal My Alberta Digital ID account to apply. If you have any questions please contact your HGA Advisor.